Ah mazing cock. I adore long, broad dicks with shapely defined heads. Did you read my mind last night as I was fantasizing about having someone with a cock so similar to yours titty fucking my delectable boobies? It looks like you are coming in around 8, 9 inches. Wow I wish I could feel that knocking up against my gspot. I am sure you would hit it quickly. An impressive girth as well. That is another thing I was fantasizing about as well as you shoot your fabulous merchandise into my mouth so I could flick and lick your absolutely stunning dick head. Yummy. I will work my magic until you are begging to cum. Just before you are ready to explode, I will straddle you and rush you into my sweet pussy. I ride you hard. I am moaning and then yelling for more finally with one last blast, I feel you pump your cum as my thighs are quivering as the hot waves of pussy juice mix roar from me. Mmm. was it good for you? I think you would love it. I am floating. For you, sexy sir, a 4.5.
love, jenny
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November 15, 2014 at 12:55 AM
Yum :)
November 17, 2014 at 11:29 AM
Great cock sweety!!! I think any woman would enjoy being fucked by someone with your size. Your only draw back is your balls, kinda small but maybe you were just cold ;-)