So you did what every guys wants to do when they see this site, submit it for my horny eyes to review.This cock is great, mostly because of your length, your length is going to be your bread and butter… Your length is really pretty much in the perfect category. You can offer my young tight pussy plenty of shaft, inch after hard inch of your dick inside of me and our bodies meeting each othe with the head of your cock hungry to spray your seed all over my cervix…. ;) Your dick head is really your second best feature baby. It’s sporting a ton more girth to your shaft, with a unique shape, but nothing crazy this cock is going to the add some intense friction up inside my pussy…. Finally your girth is okay, not wonderful, not terrible, pretty average in my book. Some girth queens might find it unacceptable, but I consider myself one, and you girth isn’t really a turn off. Great tool, use it with excellence and you will have some very happy customers…. 3.5/5
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