This guy requested I completely humiliate his cock!
This is honestly, the ugliest Freak Dick I have ever seen in my life! It reminds me of how they have that contest to find the ugliest dog in the world. You definitely win that competition. I feel really bad for you pathetic cock. It looks… sad. In fact, just looking at your pictures is really bumming me out. Are you sure your cock isn’t depressed? It looks like it can’t get hard. Maybe it’s turned off by you. You’re hairy and paunchy and you have bad posture. I definitely would not want to fuck you. There is nothing less attractive than a weird weiner and low self esteem. Dries my pussy right out. At the very least, this is one unique dick. Maybe someone out there could love it. But good luck finding them. They’d have to be blind. I don’t even know how you could fuck a woman with such a twisted cock. If I was with a guy and he whipped that out I would go running. I definitely wouldn’t want that freak show of a schlong getting anywhere near me. I think I might have nightmares about it if I keep looking. Horrifying!
smooches, jenny
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