Holy wow John! You’re making cocks about as hot as possible! Can I compliment those sexy ridges? So you may have gotten my clue you interesting, unique and pussy squirting feature is by all means that nub of a vein that is peaking out just below your head is magical. As for the rest of your penis, it’s great, not huge, but a great size, you may have read me blog, it’s a comfortable penis. It’s a cock that most any girl, will not only be happy to unwrap but will be excited to know there will be no restrictions allowing for intense, animalistic sex! :) Your length is comfortable, you are bordering on perfect in length, no worries though you have plenty length to reach my gspot with out ANY problems! The better news, your girth is definitely under the thick category. In fact girth is most of what and statistically what women want. After all the bulk of a woman’s sensitivity is within three to four inches of her pussy opening. While we ca still feel penetration further, it’s not as intense and it’s more of a mind thing, knowing my man is deep inside my body….. Your girth would stretch me out nicely, I’m a petite little girl… As for your mushroom head, not a whole lot of fireworks here, there isn’t a real sharp ridge between your shaft and the head, but my focus wouldn’t be on much more than that throbbing vein of your massaging my gspot! 4/5
Help your partner get comfortable in the traditional lotus position, with his legs crossed and each of his heels atop the opposite knee. Facing him, sit in his lap and mount him, with your legs wrapped snugly around his waist. Embrace each other and lock lips with a shared breath, so that as you exhale your guy inhales and vice versa. As you breathe in, rock your pelvis back and tighten your vaginal muscles. As you exhale, rock your pelvis forward and release. Your girl should mirror your movements. This would be so hot with your dick sweety!
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