That’s one long, veiny cock. Your cock certainly has a lot of texture.Your head looks so shiny and slick. I like how it looks like your cock curves upward. That certainly makes for a fun time. Your cock would feel nice sliding into my tight, wet pussy from behind pushing upward as you thrust inward… Your head landing abruptly on my g-spot and sliding back out… oh I’m getting off topic, but wouldn’t that feel so nice, baby? I think so. Your cock is so veiny, I wonder if I would be able to feel them sliding in and out of my pussy. I bet it would feel great if it did! Your cock looks like it’s pretty decent length, although probably around average. Your cock looks like it would fill your hand, but not much more, which is about average, and neither of those things are a bad thing. An average cock is still good for a hard fucking. MMM fast and deep, just the way I like it. To be pounded by a long, veiny cock like the dirty, little slut I am. You’ve got a great cock, babe!! 4/5
smooches, jenny
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