Baby, I want to jump on this cock. I wish it was in the room with me right now. I may have to go touch myself after I’m done with this review. Oh fuck it. I can touch myself and type. Let me grab my vibe. Mmm yeah, there we go. :) The girth of your dick is really getting me going. It’s not just wide, it has ripples and ridges. I would love to bounce up and down on it and roll my hips around. But we’d have to go slow cuz I don’t want to come too soon. I want to enjoy this prick as long as I can. It looks like your dick has a delicious upward curve which, I, like most girls LOVE! Your head isn’t very pronounced but it’s definitely there. Maybe we should start with a little oral so I don’t go crazy fucking you too soon. I want to suck your balls and hear you moan while I slowly jerk you with my hand. Do you want to fuck me too? 4/5
love, jenny
Interested in what I honestly think about that throbbing cock of yours?
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February 6, 2014 at 9:51 AM
Now that is a crazy sexy dick!!!!!! HUGE
April 11, 2014 at 6:04 PM
hey JeWels, you like it ?! I m the owner of this nice cock
February 9, 2014 at 11:56 PM
You have great taste in cock Jewels lol!!!
April 11, 2014 at 6:05 PM
Hey Stephanie, Do you like it ? I’m the owner of this cock. Can you give me your opinion on it please.