Last I checked, …. yep, still a girl… :) Well I’ve really never came across something super small, the smallest I’ve fuck was a tuna can, probably 3 maybe 4 inches long, and it actually was pretty good, he knew what he was doing! Minimum penis size probaby 3 inches….:) The average cock is probably around 5-6 inches, and I seem to be pretty good at locating nice n thick cocks… ;)
July 21, 2013 at 5:36 AM
I agree with you on the 3 inch mark. 3 would be pretty hard to do anything amazing with unless he really knew what he was doing. But can you imagine trying to do something with someone that was only 2.5 or even 2 inches long. Yikes!
July 23, 2013 at 9:00 PM
You two have lost your minds, 3 inches!? What in the world would I do with a 3 inch cock. This goes back to my rule of “if you have to work to enjoy it, its not very good” Any guy less than 5 inches is pushing it…but a 3 inch cock, there is no way!!. Get out a ruler and look at 3 inches, it’s insanely small.
July 24, 2013 at 8:40 AM
I’m not saying I would prefer a 3 inch cock that would just be my minimum. It’s definitely small, but I have had sex with some fairly small guys and they can still rock your world with the right technique.