Jessica’s Cock Review:
I am super excited to give you a cock rate! Looking at yours gets me so aroused and craving more! Yummy. I am mesmerized by the curve that your cock has to. That has to be the sexiest thing about your hunk of meat that you have there. ;) The length of your cock looks to be about average and the girth of your cock looks to be pretty thick. Thick cocks are such a turn on for me so major points there baby! Hehehe I’m just being honest here. You make my pussy so wet and creamy just thinking about what it would feel like to have that bad boy feel me right up. I think it would be so hot! The head of your cock is also very sexy to me. It is so full and so round. Just perfect, if you ask me! I love it. Very nice package for sure Jer. 4/5
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