I’m really loving your cock! That head is just so damn meaty and huge! It is making my mouth water. I want to lick and suck all over it. I bet it tastes so good. YUM! I’m so hungry now! The head alone has gotten me super horny for it. :P The length of your cock is definitely above the average size that I’m used to seeing. I love the curve that it has, very hot!! You are also clean shaved which is very sexy to me. It looks good on you. ;) The thickness of your cock is fairly thick too. You are very hard in your photos I can see. Hehehe. I also see how veiny your cock can be and that is a mega huge plus for me! I think it is so sexy when a cock is both curvy and veiny. Major points there babe. You have most definitely got me super horny and aching for your cock! Gimme ;) 5/5
What Do You Think Of This Cock???