Ryan, I want to start your rating off with the length of your cock. I want to say I do not think you have a small penis at all. I think honestly you have probably the perfect length for any penis. You are long enough to stroke my g- spot and stroke deep inside my tight pussy. I think the width of your cock is fantastic. The girth I am in love with you are so thick Ryan. I love a thick cock, thicker the better honestly in my opinion. I think the only thing I am not a huge fan of with your cock Ryan is probably how many veins are visible on your penis. Some woman love veins some do not. So my opinion on this portion really does not matter because every female is different. This is also not a deal breaker for me because in all honest I can not stop thinking about how much I would love to lick from the base of your shaft to the very tippy top of your head. I just want your cock all over my tongue and inside my wet hot mouth. I want to feel the head of your penis touch the back of my throat. I want feel it start pulsing when I get you close I want to lick away all the precum I can get to leak out of it. Teehee I hope that was not too forward Ryan :) I think your honest rating is 4/5
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