Yum, yum. yum! This cock has everything I’m wanting at this very moment. The honest opinion, you take me home, things get nice and dirty, I pull down your undies and find this raging. rigid dick underneath, I can guarantee I will be grinning from ear to ear… Your length is fucking perfect, if you’ve read other reviews, perfect length means a long dick that isn’t so long that it hurts me, so you have sooo much shaft, that still allows the night to get hardcore, ass smacking, pussy pound fucking! Now your girth is nice, I’d say average, but really your girth is still very interesting because of the roughness of your shaft. It’s not smooth, which means the friction of your cock against my slippery lips is going to be very intense! Finally if this cock isn’t already super hot, this dick head seals the deal! Your dick head is super thick, with a bulbous shape, this should spread my pussy nice and wide, very hot baby, this cock really does rock! I’d give you a 4.5/5
love, jenny
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March 31, 2014 at 12:54 PM
Thanks jen. That review made me horny mmm – glad you liked my hard dick :)