Before I review your cock I just have to say, you have an amazing body. Running my hands or tongue down your incredible stomach, squeezing your ass while you fuck me, or having those great arms wrapped around my petite body while you fuck me with that amazing cock. When you take off your clothes, it’s not just your body that gets a girl soaking wet, it’s that panty pooling cock of yours. I was immediately blown away by the veins snaking up your shaft. Veins make my pussy nice and moist and yours are doing just that. Staring at them is making me wish I had worn panties today, but glad I have quick access to my clit. Not only do you have the veins on the side that snake up to your tip, but underneath you have two that run parallel to each other. I have this unquenching desire to run my tongue down those veins. Your veins would no doubt make me squirt…repeatedly, while those low hanging balls smack into my sensitive swollen clit. Seriously, your balls have to be packing some seriously thick loads. They don’t hang old men low, but they hang low enough to make me want to see what it looks like when you due burst your cum. You dick head is deliciously defined. It’s not as big as I like a dick head to be but it is defined which is nice. I can definitely make out the lip on you tip. Girth wise, I wish you had more. I’m not seeing much from any angle, you look to be about average. I prefer pussy overflowing girth, but yours will suffice in a pinch . . . or a tight dripping pussy. Length wise, you’re perfect. Not too long, not too short. You’re short enough that I’d beg you to do balls deep and send those low hangers into my clit, but short enough that I wouldn’t require organ replacement surgery if you were to do it. Overall you cock is not too shabby. It has some really impressive pussy soaking veins, those balls would look amazing covered in my pussy cream, and your length is pretty solid. I do wish your dick head was bigger and your cock had more girth, but the definition on your dick head is nice. You also have a very nice body if I didn’t mention that before. 4.5/5
Rebekah’s Rating:
I’m so impressed by your body, even more than I am with you dick. You have the kind of body women dream of waking up to in the morning and those hands would look very nice massaging my clit of fingering my moist pussy. Don’t get me wrong, your cock is all that bad it’s just not exactly my cup of tea. I like a long cock. When I’m tied to the head board, gagged, and face down getting fucked hard, I like to feel like I’m being impaled by cock. The longer the cock that harder (and more) I cum. Your cock isn’t quite long enough to make it hard for me to walk. Not saying that your cock is short because it’s not. You have at least a good five…. six inches, which is about average and isn’t really that bad. You dick head isn’t very big which is a bit disappointing. It kind of just looks like you shaft just peaks at the tip as opposed to it being a separate entity. I like big dick heads. Big dick heads makes for intense cumming and huge hot loads filling my pussy. I LOVE to feel the intensity of a man’s orgasm. Your veins are pretty nice and all over, but I would have loved to see some kind of curve in your shaft especially since you’re lacking in length. I am kind of impressive with you swinging balls though, those have me a bit turned on. I want you to slap me in the face with them. What’s perplexing me is that your balls are so substantial and yet your dick head is so small. Where does the cum go!? You don’t have too bad a cock it just isn’t exactly my type. It’s not long enough, it doesn’t have a curve, and the dick head isn’t huge. At least you have a nice body and great balls. 3.5/5
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April 27, 2018 at 9:28 PM
What a beautiful cock