Wow what great photos of an impressive cock. I usually start with the head but for your cock I want to start with the shaft. It’s so ribbed and long, I bet you’ve heard a lot girls lucky enough to get fucked by you scream your name. I’d really want to feel each part of your cock going slowly (at first) inside of me. And you look thick too, so you’d really fill me up. I like how you took the second photo looking down at your big cock. It makes it so easy to imagine myself kneeling before you, my hand on your cock and my mouth open and ready to taste your cum. I only have one slight critique, and that its your head looks a little dry. But if I got the chance to play with your great member that wouldn’t be a problem for long. I’d get your dick so far down my throat you’d be dripping wet, and after you fucked my pussy you’d be soaked.
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