Jenny’s Cock Review:
Aw well it is kind of cute I guess. Thanks for adding the ruler that make it easy for this cock rating. Hey once in awhile you get something small but inside of that small thing lies something amazing, and well sometimes in there is something not that amazing, or just generally average. I am going with an over all generally average kind of score on this dick here. As far as length is concerned, you made this one real easy. If I am reading that ruler right well 5 inches apparently is actually the “average” or “norm” for cock in the USA. While I do not agree that this is in anyway normal, the books state it is, and so there you go. Well look at you I see you got a little chubbiness girth there and that is a plus! A fat cock helps with orgasms in general so there is something. I will say you need to put some more effort into that manscape because you need to view that shit as your temple and treat it as such, as is you run the risk of scaring suitable females away and with such an average penis we don’t want to do that now, do we?
Amanda’s Review:
Off top you need to control your man bush and give that cock a cleaner and more kissable appearance. For real, take time to love yourself and that little monkey in your pants or who else is really going to? That is a question you really need to with a seriousness ask your self. Who wants to kiss a sticky ass bush? On to the cock rating, I will say that this dick is below average length. Oh well you can still do something with that thing. I have to admit that it sure isn’t making this kitty cat meow. No wetness, nothing. I would not welcome you into this tight little wet puss, like ever. It looks like you have a little bit of girth on your side. About average but at least it isn’t like totally shriveled up and dead. Soap and razors are your friend. Put some effort onto that dick so someone else wants to.
Yea this little guy so isn’t doing it for me. I prefer a heftier package all around. That is what gets me soaking wet and ready to fuck. Big, fat, cocks. Just love them. However it is my duty to entertain any cock that passes through the rate system so here we go. This penis is average, or a bit below average in the general length category. Sorry to burst the bubble but something tells me you already knew this going into this regarding your hubby. I guess I will say that the dick is fairly average, or normal regarding the girth size of the penis. So there you got something to work with, at least God gave you something to work with. I am in agreement that your man patch is seriously neglected and there is definitely no excuse for that. But the good news there is that, that is totally fixable! The more attention you give that thing the more attention someone else will be willing to give it. Does that make sense? I hope so, enough said.
More often than not the gift ends up sucking or being a gift card to somewhere you don’t want to go to begin with. However every so often that tiny parcel ends up holding something like a diamond, a rare artifact, or that gift card to your oh so favorite place to shop! So you never really know what will come in a small package. Now let’s go over your dick. I think we sit below average in the length category but hey to me length is not the key factor and also a dick can be scary over long and that is no Bueno. You look like you might have a tad bit of girth working in your favor and that is the key category per myself! Fatness is greater than length by far. Leading to more frequent and better orgasms. I will only briefly touch base about the male grooming since it has been the highlight of the rates so far. Wash, clean, shave, love and rub that cock a few times a week if not more. It all starts at the self. Self love. Once you love that little dick more it is going to open up new doors for the right women to love that cock too.
Lovely title right? Well I think it says it all! But lets entertain the rate, of course. At least you weren’t bestowed with a total skinny, little, pencil cock. That is the worst joke the powers that be can play on a man if you ask me. So yes there is still reason to be grateful. This cock is semi cute and can be worked with. Manscaping! Hello, yea right I know enough said on that one ok on with the rate. Your cock isn’t that long and hey, oh well. Happens to many the “average” size is something like 4 inches or some shit. Which that ain’t shit. You have a little bit of fatness working with you so definitely make sure that you work with it too!! The head has some cute potential but you are just not putting the effort into the dick and pussies that you and your cock deserve. Put more effort in your cock’s life and you might be surprised at the many different things that can come your way too, you never know. Hey overall this dick is pretty normal, and believe me that is a good thing.
Tell me, what the fuck is kinda being honest, but really just turns into humiliation. Like mildly humiliating bullshit but not to hurtful to spare your little feelings. I am sorry but I almost feel like concerning a subject like humiliation its almost to one extreme or the other. Either this bitch should be humiliating or nice. Now, worm, lets move on to you and that little pudgy worm you call your cock. It isn’t long. It is not super fat. It isn’t groomed, or from what I can see even paid attention to in general. This cock, with all due respect, is nothing to write home about. It is just an average dick that any average Joe walking down the street ogling my tits and ass might have locked away in his tightie whities. In good faith I can honestly say that I just have nothing more or less to say of this little worm.
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