I saw your cock and it instantly made me laugh. It is almost adorable the way it is just barely poking out from your body. Definitely you have short cock. Very short cock. I think your cock is shorter than it is wide for sure. But you also have a thick cock. Maybe the thickness would make up for the lack of length. I am not sure. I am not sure what to rate your cock. And I am not sure how you would play with your cock. I do not think you could fuck me properly with such a little dick. I know you would not be able to hit my g-spot with suck a short dick. I would not like that. I guess you could rub that cock head on me and make me wet? You do have a nice cock head. I will give you that. Your cock head is thick. And then your cock head slants very deep like a mushroom. That is fucking sexy. Your cock reminds me of what I call “joystick cock”. That is because it actually looks like a joystick from an arcade game. Time for me to grab your cock and play?! I am going to rate you a 3.0/5.0 for cuteness.
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